A new blog classified ad unit | Blogads

A new blog classified ad unit

by henrycopeland
Wednesday, March 16th, 2005

Here’s a fun new angle to blog advertising, actually an old angle revived.

When we started blogads, we imagined an intra-community bulletin board filled with birthday greetings, rants, books for sale, party announcements, personals, lost dogs, lost causes… all the advertising ephemera that makes life fun and interesting.

We got a few of those ads. Then prices started rising, and gradually squeezed out the human-scaled stuff.

Well, here’s back to the future. Another unapologetically anti-IAB unit: 500 characters, no image, no edit, no HTML, no breaks, no bulkbuy.

You can buy the first of these ads here here to run on the great blog Politicalwire.

The unit is still malleable, so let us know what you think. Just don’t tell us it doesn’t conform to IAB standards, because that’s the point. 🙂

If you are currently selling blogads and one to add an adstrip like this to your page, just click “create an adstrip” on the “adstrip manager” page and then choose “classie” on page 4 of the adstrip set-up process.

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