SUXORZ11: Round-up of coverage
Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

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The reviews are in. Blogads’ SUXORZ panel — with panelists Brian Clark, BL Ochman, Jessica Amason, Brian Morrissey, moderator (Blogads CEO) Henry Copeland and Social Media DJ Jon Accarino — last Thursday night was an unFAIL.
Rebecca Leib, AdAge:
New York’s Social Media Week featured wall-to-wall sessions on how marketers can do social media right, but nothing can hold a candle to the sheer Schdenfreude of watching the brands and agencies that are doing it wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong.
Rachel Conforti, definition6:
Last night at the SUXORZ awards, we celebrated schadenfreude at its best, taking a look back at poorly executed social media initiatives.
Jesse Stanchak, SmartBlog on Social Media:
We must punish failure as well as praise excellence. Or, at least, that was the mood at the fourth annual Suxorz Awards event at Social Media Week on Thursday night.
Bea Villamor, Cake New York:
I try not to take myself too seriously, so it’s nice to do the same with the work that we do (PR, not ER!).
Amanda McCormick, Jellybean Boom:
Total irreverence was enjoyed by all last night at the #Suxorz panel at the Gershwin Hotel (pictured above), where we parsed the delicacies of the year’s most flat-footed and tone deaf social media campaigns.
Ron Casalotti, Bottom of the Food Chain:
Just because your PR team makes you do social media doesn’t mean you get it.
Esther Surden, NYConvergence:
Of the week’s events, this one was the one that pointed out what good social media practitioners should not do.
Already got ideas for next year’s SUXORZ? Log your nominees here.