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Get more quality views with Blogads video ads

by Nick Faber
Friday, May 20th, 2011

It’s no secret. As Digiday’s Mike Shields points out, this is a boomtime for video ads:

Here’s another indicator that the online video ad market is surging: twice as many video ads were served in the first quarter compared to the same period in 2010.

With our DIY system, you can add video to any Blogad unit by dropping a YouTube or Vimeo URL into our form.

That’s it.

You don’t have to deal with rich media costs, and there isn’t any more production work to do. And unlike other video ads, Blogads can boost your video count.

ClickZ calls the 2012 presidential race the “Video Election,” saying video “is poised to have a greater impact on the 2012 Presidential race than any election before it.”

One political advocacy group bought Blogads on 50 LBAN blogs and received over 3200 new views for their YouTube video.

Video advertising is red hot, so strike now and put your video in front of the influential blog readers of over 3500 blogs.

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MelBroms: RT @hc: Good @davewiner insight for any tough situation: compose a letter to a trusted advisor. http://t.co/XIhFYY31bp http://t.co/MdgEJ73H…
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Blogads: RT @hc: Rip Van Winkle from the last century would not recognize today's NYC... http://t.co/RA59p7FYhM http://t.co/go6m5lqXLk
05/11/15 10:50 AM
