Notes from another age… | Blogads

Notes from another age…

by henrycopeland
Tuesday, May 13th, 2003

Blogger newbie, tech-guru and Pressflex shareholder Esther Dyson‘s brother George has been reading some of the early memos from the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, where they grew up. “A lot of what George has discovered in the archives is touchingly human – memos about the computer guys taking too much sugar at the Institute teatime in the great hall, discussions of where to put their offices – next to Goedel in a spare room, or in more spacious digs in the basement next to the men’s lavatory… (there was a certain prejudice amongst some of the scientists against mere engineers.) And my favorite memo – the one banning children under 10 years old from dining privileges!” Sounds a lot like blog fodder.

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