What is the “news business” when news is as common as sand in Arabia? | Blogads

What is the “news business” when news is as common as sand in Arabia?

by henrycopeland
Wednesday, September 17th, 2003

Journalist Jeff Jarvis: “The line between “news” and “non-news” is hardly drawn with a straight-edge anymore, folks; that’s just wishful thinking, it’s old-school thinking. Is the New York Times news when Jayson Blair writes it? Nope (a cheap shot, I admit). Are The Star and The Enquirer news even though they’re tabloids? More and more, yes. Is the Today show news when it’s flacking for Dr. Phil’s new diet fllimflam? God, no! Is FoxNews news? Absolutely. Is a weblog news even though it may not be written by a professional and may include opinion? If it’s reporting something worthwhile, of course. Is a forum post that reports the scores from last night’s Little League game news? To its audience, you bet it is. Is a picture taken at a news event by a witness news? Yup. News — and the definition of news — are no longer owned by the newsmen.”

Lots of other great ideas in Jeff’s rant against traditional publishers who don’t get the electrified media.

To add my own two cents: News is now of/by/for the people. Anyone can push words around the world in 0.2 seconds for free, so distribution of information — the engine of traditional media economics — is no longer rewarded. Profits will flow only to those who create communities/connections that bust through the noise of infinite free news. Hallelujah!

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