Notes from the hills
Monday, December 29th, 2003
Hit Christmas gifts: Hogwarts Express lego set and Snap Circuits Jr. Electronic Lab Kit and, for me, a fountain pen to replace the one I lost in July.
Matt’s review of LOTR sums up my feelings in three words: “four gratuitous endings.” Disliked the newest and overly-sensuous Peter Pan movie.
We went on lots of long walks last week beneath brilliant blue skies. Today talked to a bear hunter who said the bears are “lying down” right now. Is that hunter-speak or WNC vernacular?
Inspired by Rick Bruner, I bought a new pair of shoes in Asheville. After closing the first sale, the salesman asked if I also wanted to buy a pair of dress shoes or sneakers; I told him, only half jokingly, “this pair serves as both.”
We went to lunch in Asheville at Salsa, the best lunch ever. I’m going back later this week.
I’ve been passing through Asheville on and off for the past 41 years. The place used to be one big bus stop — ramshackle and full of transients. Now Asheville is packed with tourists and new age boutiques.