Upyourbudget blogad clickthru metrics | Blogads

Upyourbudget blogad clickthru metrics

by henrycopeland
Wednesday, November 16th, 2005

If you visit this page on Upyourbudget.com, you can see various iterations of UpyourBudget’s blogads along with the accompanying clickthrus. Start at the bottom to see the oldest blogad first and you’ll see an astonishing 10-fold improvement in the clickthrus between ad #1 and ad #4… going from 0.05% to 0.52%.


Seeking to promote Budget Renta Car’s blog-only sixteen city treasure hunt over the last four weeks, B.L. Ochman and Komra Moriko have been relentless in experimenting and bold in pushing the envelope. They have seen each innovation amply rewarded. More importantly, they’ve been having fun and it shows. A brief recap of their innovations:

#1: cool image, not much text to ensnare the reader
#2: elusive photo, more text, including four links to blogs
#3: pseudo video image (vaguely sexual?) and nine links (all to sections of upyourbudget site)
#4: more video-ism, more mystery, lose the quotation marks and capitalization, twelve links!

The vision is perfect for the link-rich, attitude-packed, p2p, narrative mosh-pit that is the blogosphere. The ads build on a creative foundation laid by Richard Turner and Seth Miller at Turner Broadcast (here and here), Farah Miller and Stephanie at Knopf (here and here), Brian Clark and Justice Mitchell (here and here) and Beth Kirsch (near the bottom Kirsch.)

Congratulations to BL, Komra and Budget. For all you blogad-o-philes, this demonstration is a must-forward for your colleagues and friends. And for those of your creating blogads, the bar another 200 pixels higher.

Here’s more on how to design great blog advertising, from a post by Brian Clark.

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