Huffpo “most popular posts” 12/11/09
by henrycopelandFriday, December 11th, 2009
I guess this isn’t news, but its worth noting that we reached a new low today, with fully 87% of‘s most popular stories being either skin or rumors or both.
With America deciding to send 30k new troops to Aphganistan and historic health-care legislation being hotly debated, the only headline of semi-national import that fascinates Huffpo readers is “Palin’s Father: She Left Hawaii Because Asians Made Her Uncomfortable.” That “story” is actually a link and 80 word rehash of a point in a recent article in the New Yorker magazine, with no new reporting or insight added by Huffpo.
For the record:
Thank you Google ad relevance algorithms! You’ve got a weird sense of humor.
Even though the lead story today on Huffpo is “U.S. MILITARY CHIEF: ‘2010 WILL BE A PRETTY VIOLENT YEAR'” it nearly all the top stories are rumor and raunch. Six of eight top stories, in fact.
Ms. Huffington isn’t joking when she says “Huffpo isn’t just about politics any more.”