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Archive for November, 2010

Running multiple ad versions on blogs

by henrycopeland
Monday, November 22nd, 2010

We’ve always known that it’s impossible to predict what types of ads people are going to interact with.

Slight variations in an ad can drive a clickthru rate from .04 to .4%.

With this in mind, we’ve made a bunch of upgrades to ad versioning in the last year. This video sums up the functionality.

New discount blog advertising rates

by henrycopeland
Thursday, November 11th, 2010

We’ve just rolled out a new feature to help bloggers create a Smörgåsbord of discount codes to excite different types of advertisers. Ka-ching!

Cash register

A blogger might decide to give all charity advertisers a 30% discount.

Or a local blog might give a 50% discount to local coffee houses.

Or, the week before Thanksgiving, the blogger might offer a fire sale, posting a 50% discount code on her site to encourage ads over the quiet holiday week.

As always, bloggers will have final say over whether a particular ad will run or not.

Here’s a screenshot of the functionality from the blogger’s perspective:

discount code

To access the functionality, a blogger should log into her account and click “Adstrips” in the nav bar. Then click “customize adstrip.”The blogger just clicks “add another code,” specifies the amount of the discount, the sets a terminal date and voila, the code is enabled. The advertiser uploads the ad during the adbuy process. Remember, ads sold via a blogger’s own site are just 14% fee to Blogads for handling customer support, reporting and accounting. (Cash register photo by Steven Snodgrass.)

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