ACLU ad strategy | Blogads

ACLU ad strategy

by henrycopeland
Friday, January 11th, 2008

Today the ACLU is using a very cool blogad strategy featuring blogger posts about closing Guantanamo and the ACLU’s “turn it orange” campaign.

January 11 is the sixth anniversary of the opening of Guantanamo, and throughout the day, the ad will update with new bloggers’ posts periodically. What the feed can’t pick up is that some bloggers have gone so far as to restructure their blogs for the day or week… see The Seminal, CultureKitchen, Bilerico, Newscorpse.

I’m excited about the ACLU’s “bloggers are the focus” ad strategy, which uses Blogads’ livelinks to update headlines from their RSS feed. I hope we can get other causes and candidates to use this strategy in ’08, since it’s the purest embodiment of the “put the audience on stage” credo that makes social media so powerful.

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