Crowd-sourcing the selection of fourth Suxorz panelist
Thursday, November 20th, 2008
The Suxorz has been approved for SXSW ’09!
The Suxorz panel, for those of you who weren’t in Austin last year, seeks to identify and vilify the year’s worst social media marketing campaigns. Last year, we did three rounds of four nominations, with each round followed by a vote, then a final pitch and round.
HP won followed closely by Cisco. (My favorite line from the morning was when someone in the audience from Target (a runner-up) was overheard huffing “this wasn’t us, it was the agency.”)
This year’s panelists will be Zadi Diaz, video-auteur at EpicFu, Jeff Jarvis aka The Buzzmachine, Mike Monello, creative director at CampfireNYC and Blair Witch.
I had a bunch of great women in mind for the fourth panelist. Spoiled for choice, I’d like to throw the fourth seat open. The fourth panelist is whichever woman you nominate and select.
Go to the Suxorz Facebook group to make your nomination this topic thread. Then we’ll either have a vote among Suxorz FB members or throw it open to the whole world-wide web.
(Like the rest of the panel, she’ll be responsible for contributing a bunch of nominees to the FB page, pitching three of them on stage. She’ll get a SXSW badge and cover her own transport and lodging.)
Some recaps of ’07 from Scott Monty, BFG, Jess Kutch and mine. And a photo: