Featured Blogger: Juliette Rossant of SUPER CHEF
by Paige WilcoxTuesday, June 7th, 2011
According to Juliette Rossant, “a super chef is an empire-building celebrity chef.” Her blog, SUPER CHEF, highlights the branding and business trends that take an ordinary chef’s career to “super chef” territory. In addition to keeping up-to-date with Rossant’s site, readers can follow her on Twitter @forbie1.
Q: When and why did you start blogging?
A: I started blogging soon after my book, Super Chef (Simon & Schuster 2004) was published. I wanted to keep up with my subjects: six of America’s top chefs. I was also tracking other celebrity chefs.
Q: How do you think your blog stands out amongst blogs of the same genre?
A: SUPER CHEF evolved from blog to magazine in 2007-2008. Contributors include chefs Norman Van Aken, Jody Adams, Kelley Liken and Nora Pouillon. I have worked as a journalist for magazines like Forbes: I strive to have SUPER CHEF reflect that professionalism.
Most food-related blogs cover just that: food, recipes, restaurant reviews and gossip. SUPER CHEF covers the businesses and brands of celebrity chefs. SUPER CHEF analyzes their TV shows, their books and their activities outside the kitchen. SUPER CHEF has expanded to include articles relevant to kids (alternate Thursdays) and videos we call “Food Flicks” (Fridays). As editor, I look for broadly food-related news, like Hurricane Katrina (in which emergency food helped victims). When First Lady Laura Bush started looking for a new executive chef at the White House, SUPER CHEF ran a nationwide poll that helped identify candidates—and predicted Mrs. Bush’s choice. (more…)